Thursday, September 25, 2008

Day Five

Crystal Light Fruit Punch tastes EXACTLY like Hawaiian Punch. It even gives you a mustache like Hawaiian Punch. But it has zero points.

Julian told me I am already looking thinner. God I love him.

So far not too bad. I just had a Smart Ones egg and cheese breakfast muffin, and they're only 4 points. Never underestimate the power of frozen foods.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Day Three

So far, not too bad, actually. I am still grumpy and at times ravenous, but I feel better about myself for doing this.

Yesterday morning I had oatmeal and for lunch I had baked beans on toast. By dinner I had only 5 points left so I had a Lean Cuisine and some steamed broccoli. Prior to dinner I was starving so I had a snack - broccoli and baby carrots, no dip. :(

This morning I had some Yoplait Light Thick and Creamy, which is really very delicious, and am about to destroy an orange. I'm drinking a ton of water and Crystal Light. I can't wait till I can see some sort of difference. Having done this before, though, at least I know it works.

Finally, it is not until you start counting calories that you realize what assholes food companies are. When I had my lunch yesterday, I looked at the bread package to enter my points into the point tracker. Oroweat Whole Wheat bread: "Serving Size: 1 piece."

Wait, seriously?

Who the hell eats one slice of bread, like, ever? Sure, it makes the caloric value look GREAT on the package, but let's be realistic! Really annoying.

Off to eat my orange.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Day One

I went on Weight Watchers about five years ago and lost thirty pounds. Since then I have managed to gain.... fifty.

Today is Day One. I will not disclose how much I weigh, but it's the most I have ever weighed. Theoretically, it should take me 8 months - at 2 pounds a week - to lose this weight. Hello, June.

We went grocery shopping today and I wanted essentially everything I couldn't have. I was grumpy all day, eating cereal for breakfast and a salad for lunch.

It's almost bedtime now, and I am pretty psyched I made it through.